Join Us

Join us in making a difference! Together, we can create positive change and impact lives. For just $75 you can gift a child a year in primary school. For $250 you can gift a student a year in secondary school. Every contribution, big or small, plants a seed of change that can make an impact that lasts a lifetime.

KWES Foundation has no employees and its directors and officers are not remunerated. All travel and associated costs are borne by the Founders, so 100% of your donations will go to the Programs we support.

Click [here] to donate or contact us using the form below.

Reach out and help a child today!

KWES Foundation is a charitable nonprofit corporation formed in 2023 and registered with the Texas Secretary of State under file number 805058227.  We are a US IRS Section 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization, which may allow US donors to take advantage of certain deductions on their US taxes. Our public record can be accessed via the IRS website [here]. KWES Foundation was granted Dutch ANBI Status effective 30th May 2024. Our registration number (RSIN) is 827643858. Our ANBI Status validity can be verified via the Dutch Tax Authority’s website [here]. The Dutch fiscal benefits that follow from our ANBI status are explained [here].

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School children at St. Elizabeth Primary School in Mukuru, Nairobi.