Dutch ANBI Status

KWES Foundation was granted Dutch ANBI Status effective 30th May 2024. Our registration number (RSIN) is 827643858. Our ANBI Status validity can be verified via the Dutch Tax Authority’s website [here]. The Dutch fiscal benefits that follow from our ANBI status are explained [here].

We are happy to report that we have been granted ANBI Status by the Dutch Tax Authority. A Dutch ANBI, or ‘Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling’, is a nonprofit organisations with a charitable goal. The Dutch Tax Authority’s ANBI Status provides similar tax benefits for Dutch taxpayers as our US IRS Section 501(c)(3) Status provides for US taxpayers. This means that donations made to KWES Foundation by Dutch taxpayers may qualify for certain tax benefits in The Netherlands.

One of the conditions to qualify for Dutch ANBI status is to publicise an annual disclosure form regarding the activities of our organisation. You can view and download our first annual disclosure form alongside our first annual report [here].

We provide a brief description of the tax benefits available to Dutch taxpayers below. This summary is the Dutch language and was taken from the Dutch Tax Authority’s website [here].

Gewone giften – Voor de aftrek van gewone giften gelden een drempel en een maximum. Het bedrag boven de drempel mag u aftrekken. Maar niet meer dan het maximumbedrag. Het drempelbedrag is 1% van uw drempelinkomen zoals berekend in uw belastingaangifte, maar minimaal € 60. Wat u meer hebt gegeven, mag u aftrekken. Tot een maximumbedrag van 10% van uw drempelinkomen. Voor Periodieke giften geldt geen drempel. Maar er geldt wel een maximum. Dat maximum is € 250.000 per jaar. Periodieke giften moeten worden vastgelegd in een periodieke schenkingsovereenkomst die minimaal 5 jaar loopt.

If you have any questions about our ANBI status, or any other topic, please contact us [here].

KWES Foundation was granted Dutch ANBI status effective 30th May 2024. Our registration number (RSIN) is 827643858. ANBI Status validity can be verified via the Dutch Tax Authority’s website [here]. Tax benefits for Dutch donors are explained [here].

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